About Our​ Church

Saint Aidan's church was consecrated on July 11, 1959. Since then it has aimed to be a foc​us for Anglo-Catholic worship bringing the message of Christ's Salvation to the Newparks community through beauty in worship and outreach to our local area.

We are  part of the Church of England Diocese of Leicester and are under the pastoral care of the Bishop of Richborough. We are one of the parishes  affiliated to 'The Society'  (under the patronage of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda) which promotes and maintains catholic teaching and practice within the Church of England.

We are committed to the catholic faith as the Church of England received it, and we proclaim it afresh in this generation.

We take pride in being a welcoming church. Whoever you are, come, come as you are. Worship with us on Sundays at 10 am and join us afterwards for light refreshments and fellowship.

Children are welcome - and,  we don't mind when they are noisy. 
We are  fully committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow all church and national policies and one of our parochial council members is our Safe-guarding Officer.

We are in interregnum at the moment as we await the appointment of a new parish priest. Until that joyful day we are blessed by the leadership or Fr. Alan Hawker SSC who is helping us rebuild after the long period of closure during the Pandemic.

As we try to get back to get back on our feet we continue to develop. Music and singing are now part of our Sunday mass and we have re-introduced a monthly weekday mass. This is at 10 am on the first Wednesday of the month. Come and join us and help us rebuild! 

Lord, call to this your church and ours  a true shepherd,  a man of God,  a minister of Christ,  and make us with him,  a church joyful in worship  and united in witness,  working, caring, praising, loving,  to the glory of your name;  through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen 

The gifts we possess differ as they are allotted to us by God's grace, and must be exercised accordingly: the gift of inspired utterance, for example, in proportion to a man's faith; or the gift of administration, in administration. A teacher should employ his gift in teaching, and one who has the gift of stirring speech should use it to stir his hearers. If you give to charity, give with all your heart; if you are a leader, exert yourself to lead. (Romans:12)